2006.05.24. 18:43
Sara Sidle-tl.. *vegyes kpek s szvegek a sorozattal nem sszeegyeztethetek*
"Only geeks still say "da bomb", but-uh, if you ask me geeks
should be revered"

"This is not about that hamburger thing... I-I-I don't
believe you, how can you reduce everything I've said to some kind of a single

"I don't have a death wish and I am not a drunk."

"You think the problem here is just about me?"

"Guess she killed you back."

"How's it feel dreamer?"

"Hey Grissom... could you come tape me up?"

"Sometimes a dying whale is just a dying

"I have a new favorit color"

""Yac"? Cognac? No. "Hoes"? Uh not going there, and um,
that's none of your business, it's nobody's business as a matter of